Jaký je správný způsob výměny starého faucetu

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Jaký je správný způsob výměny starého faucetu

Krok 1. Před výměnou starého kohoutku, ujistěte se, že jsou připraveny všechny potřebné nástroje, basin wrenches and pliers are necessary, sealing tape also required.

Krok 2. Regardless of the installation way of the old faucet, try to avoid use brute force for the rusty faucet, otherwise it is easy to twist the inner wire and leave it in the water pipe. When you got a rusty issue, drop a few of engine oil or some practical vinegar to lubricate the roots parts and then use a wrench to loose it, which will feel much easier after lubrication.

Krok 3. When replacing a new faucet, you can hold the faucet in your left hand, wrap a few turns of sealing tape with your right hand by clockwise direction, and then insert the faucet into the threaded hole and tighten it. This can make sure a good sealing effect and prevent water leakage after installation. In addition, it is best to use all-copper faucets when replacing, which are rusty resistance and durable.

Krok 4. Before for drinking water, please turn on the new faucet, flushing the faucet for 1-2 minute, make sure all remained impurity material will be removed by water. Also, check if any water leakage above or under the countertop.